Make a donation

All donations are tax-deductible and 100% will be used to directly fund organizations and innovative efforts.

All Foster Care and Adoption Alliance (FCAA) partners will receive quarterly updates on how funds are being used and what progress has been made.

Although we hope to have some early wins, we know this is going to be a long-term fight.

So we hope you’ll stand with us now, and well into the future.

The button below will take you to a secure giving portal at the National Christian Foundation (NCF). NCF has partnered with The Tampa Bay Foster Care and Adoption Alliance by creating a donor advised fund for us through which we can receive donations. It allows the Tampa Bay FCAA to stay administratively lean while honoring our donors by allowing them to make tax deductible donations.


Become a partner

All grantees must be organizations that fit the following descriptors:

Sustainable, existing community of support
We fund organizations that already have a solid donor base and are not relying solely on FCAA for their program funding

Collaborative and movement minded
We fund organizations that are thinking about the movement as a whole, not just their slice

Trustworthy, sound financials
We fund organizations that can show good stewardship of resources

Long-term strategy
We fund organizations that are in it for the long haul, and have a vision for how to end the cycle of family separation. (this will probably be updated)

Commitment to working with others
We fund organizations that have a proven track record of working with others toward common goals

Effective governance
We fund organizations with strong internal structure which makes them more outwardly effective

Click below to apply to become a partner


Join these courageous partners by supporting the Tampa Bay FCAA.